Welcome to CADS -
Royston's amateur drama group!
We've just wrapped up our sell-out production of the 2025 Royston Town Pantomime, another smash hit by Warren McWilliams (his brand new version of Goldilocks and the Three Bears), and we've already started rehearsing for our next venture, the CADS entry for this year's Welwyn Drama Festival - more details here...
Prior to the panto, we staged the riotous and bawdy fantasy comedy Six Dead Queens... and an Inflatable Henry!, which drew enthusisastic and appreciative audiences to Icknield Walk School. Our latest two radio plays were broadcast on Royston Radio as part of this year's Royston Arts Festival - a one-act comedy Losing the Plot by our old friend Nick Warburton, and the thriller Sorry, Wrong Number by Lucille Fletcher - and plans are afoot for more in this medium
Our last full-length production was the 2024 Royston Town Pantomime, The Little Mermaid by Warren McWilliams, which was more or less a complete sell-out and was recently nominated in the Best Pantomime category at the annual NODA East AWards!. (IncIdentally, if you missed the interviews on Royston Radio with members of the cast and crew, you can find them as a podcast on the station's website at http://www.roystonradio.com ).
Our last production prior to that was the "Two Short Comedies" show, which consisted of a live performance of Nick Warburton's one-act comedy Don't Blame it on the Boots - our award-winning entry to the 2023 Welwyn Drama Festival - followed by a screening of the film Seven Movies by Roy Maddox, which won three awards at the 2021 Welwyn Drama Festival, and received glowing praise from adjudicator Walker Ewart! If you missed the film at the festival, you can catch it on YouTube at https://youtu.be/MyL2L04uefA
In 2022, the one-act drama The Blonde Bombshell by local author Roy Maddox, was awarded Best Unpublished Play after it was performed for the very first time at that year's Welwyn Drama Festival. The group came fifth overall in a very strong field of fourteen plays.
Our production in 2021, Strangers on a Film - which won two awards (including Best Individual Performance) and received three other nominations at that year's Cambridge Festival of Drama - was subsequently recorded for radio and was first broadcast on Royston Radio at 2.00 p.m. on Wednesday 23 August. (It gets repeated from time to time, so do listen out for it!) We also performed it as part of a unique evening's entertainment at the 2021 Royston Arts Festival, and you can listen to it, too, on our YouTube channel at https://youtu.be/fMVDxa9912Y
We also produced, during lockdown, two versions of our virtual cabaret CADaret!, which we posted on YouTube, one during the 2020 Royston Arts Festival, and one in time for the Christmas period. These were both a mixture of songs, poems, sketches, monologues and general silliness, recorded on film and edited together for posting. Both are still available; to view them, search for "CADaret" on YouTube, or just click here
We have a varied programme and always welcome new members. Our pantomimes are always child-friendly, focussing on family entertainment (for which we've gained an excellent reputation locally in recent years). Our performers (children and adults) are all local amateurs, yet we all aim for high quality in as many aspects as possible - acting, script, lighting, sound, special effects, and of course our live band...
Click on the links below for access to some important documents relating to CADS:
NEWS - CADS & King James Academy Royston
In March 2024 the Trust that manages KJAR asked CADS to remove the shipping containers that store their scenery, costumes and equipment from the school site. After negotiation and meetings involving the Head Teacher, School Operations Manager, Royston District Councillor Matthew Barnes and members of CADS, an agreement has been reached which will allow the containers to remain in place until Summer 2025. The annual pantomime in January 2025 therefore took place as normal. We are now actively looking for an alternative performance space in Royston for the next pantomime and have already staged a smaller production at Icknield Walk First School in November 2024.
CADS is a not-for-profit organisation which relies solely on donations and ticket sales to finance our activities.
If you would like to offer a donation, please use the button here: