Current CADS production
Virtual (Sur)reality
Well, we've just wrapped up a sell-out production of the 2025 Royston Town Pantomime, a new version of Goldilocks and the Three Bears by Warren McWilliams, and we're now rehearsing our entry for the 90th Welwyn Drama Festival which runs from 19 to 24 May. It's a brilliant and surreal one-act play called Virtual Reality written by the late, great Alan Arkin. Two strangers meet in an empty space, having been told they're to do a job. While they wait, one of them suggests they do a dry run of the equipment (which hasn't yet arrived). The other is initially reluctant to take part in this pantomime but is eventually persuaded. As they two of them go through the list of wholly imaginary items, the situation starts to become more and more bizarre and ends up in an explosive climax..
There are only two characters - Lefty, played by Patrick Key, and De Recha, played by Michael Young who is also directing the piece. There's practically no set, no scenery and no props and the play relies heavily on ther audience's willingness to buy into the weirdness of their situation.