Shows: Strangers on a Film

Strangers on a FilmStrangers

Stephen Wyatt (adapted for the stage by Roy Maddox)

September 2021



For a selection of pictures from the show, click here 


Dramatis personae

Raymond Chandler.............................. Michael Young

Alfred Hitchcock................................. Martin Maynard

Extras................................ Jo Buggey, Beth Moorley, Becky Seakins, Joe Symonds, James Wilson, Kathy Young


Director............................................................... Michael Young

Stage Manager/Sound Recordist (radio version)...... Joe Daintrey

Deputy Stage Manager......................................... Jill Buggey

Technical Crew.....................................................Emma Daintrey, Angus Crosby, Will Mitchell



"Strrangers on a Film" was originally a radio play. This adaptation was the CADS entry to the 2021 Cambridge Festival of Drama at the ADC Theatre, where it won second prize, and Martin Maynard won the award for Best Individual Performance. Martin Maynard and Michael Young were also both nominated for Best Supporting Performance and the production itself nominated for Technical Achievement. The show was subsequently performed at the 2021 Royston Arts Festival in a programme entitled "Strangers at a Festival" where it was coupled with a screening of Alfred Hitchcock's film "Strangers on a Train". It was later recorded for radio by Joe Daintrey with the original cast and broadcast on Royston Radio at 2.00 p.m. on Wednesday 23 August. 

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