Shows: Black Comedy

Black ComedyBlack/light

Peter Shaffer

September 2015


For a selection of pictures from the show, click here


Dramatis personae  

Brindsley Miller.................................. Craig Maddox

Carol Melkett..................................... Zoe Nesteriuc

Miss Furnival..................................... Kathy Young

Colonel Melkett.................................. Frank Benfield

Harold Gorringe................................. Ian Sims

Schuppanzigh.................................... Matthew Harrison

Clea....................................................Emily Rowley

Bamberger......................................... David Atkins


Directors........................................ David Atkins & Louise Atkins

Technical Director........................................... Rupert Jordan



"Black Comedy" formed the first half of an evening that concluded with a specially devised selection of songs, poems and sketches loosely based on the idea of "Illumination" - the theme of the 2015 Royston Arts Festival - entitled "Light entertainment".


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