Shows: Fosdyke Saga

The Fosdyke SagaFosdyke programme

Alan Plater & Bill Tidy

September 2014



For a selection of pictures from the show, click here



Dramatis personae  

Josiah Fosdyke..................................................... Frank Benfield

Rebecca Fosdyke................................................. Claire Hogan

Tom Fosdyke........................................................ Matthew Harrison

Albert Fosdyke..................................................... Daniel Gee

Victoria Fosdyke.................................................. Bernadette Parsons

Ben Ditchley/Roger Ditchley................................ Ian Sims


The Ensemble: Rebecca Aloneftis (Miner, Prison Warder), Jill Buggey (Radio Announcer, Schmidt), Jo Buggey (Train Driver, Angel of Mons), Alex Crockford (Officer, Salford Ripper), Nikki Crockford (Boxing Commentator/Policeman), Paula Davies (Reporter/Soldier), Rupert Jordan (King George V), Kay Morland (German Pilot) Barbara Perry (Emily O'Malley/Baron von Richthoven) Wendy Watts (Mrs Emmeline Pankhurst)


Director.......................................................Michael Young

Musical Director........................................ Louise Atkins

Technical Director......................................Ian Cowley

Artwork........................................................Emma Shaw

Technical Crew: Rupert Jordan, Emma Daintrey, Joe DaintreyGraham Davies, Kay Morland, Charlotte Davies, Dave Humphreys 




"The Fosdyke Saga" was the CADS contribution to the 2014 Royston Arts Festival and was attended on the Friday evening performance by none other than the great Bill Tidy himself!


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