Shows: Real Inspector Hound

cherry and hound

The Real Inspector Hound

 Tom Stoppard

  July 2006



For a selection of pictures from the show, click here




Dramatis personae 

Moon............................................. Michael Young

Birdboot...................................... Stuart McQueen

Mrs Drudge............................... Emma Daintrey

Simon Gascoyne..................... Nick Danes

Felcity Cunningham................ Paula McQueen

Lady Cynthia Muldoon.......... Sara Lang

Major Magnus Muldoon...... Peter Salt

Inspector Hound.................... David Quilty

Radio Announcer..................... Phil Rowe

A Boddy....................................... David Young


Director........................................ Michael Young

Stage Crew: Joe Daintrey, Emma Daintrey, Sam Cousans, John Bayliss, Johnny Bertram, Lara Phillip



"The Real Inspector Hound" was presented as one half of a double bill entitled "An Evening of Comedy". The other half of the bill consisted of the one-act play "The Cherry Sisters".


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