Latest news from CADS

August 2024 newsletter

(August 11, 2024)

6 Dead Queens & an Inflatable Henry
David & Louise Atkins are planning to stage this fun-filled musical in mid to late October 2024. Audition date still to be confirmed. Performances will take place in The Attic Theatre by kind permission of Limitless Academy of Performing Arts. Various production roles still need to be filled including a Producer. Please contact [email protected] if you want to be involved so CADS has your contact details to pass on to the Directors.

Mascot - the final cut
The UK premiere of Mascot, directed by Amadeus Hall, will be held on Fri 16th August in the Old Schoolhouse. The film is based on the true story about a sports team and their mascot. Doors open at 7pm with the film starting around 7.30pm. It's a 15-20 minute film only so don't be late! Refreshments will be provided.

Losing the Plot & Sorry, Wrong Number - Broadcast Dates
We now have broadcast dates for CADS two radio plays. Both can be heard on Royston Radio as part of the Royston Arts Festival. Losing The Plot will go out at 2pm on Wednesday 25th September, and Sorry, Wrong Number the following week at 2pm on Wednesday 2nd October - don't forget to tune in!

Patrick Key in The Man Who Argued Himself To Death
CADS very own Patrick Key - a.k.a. Triton in The Little Mermaid, Ronald Adams in Hitchhiker - will be performing with The Corkscrew Theatre Company in The Man Who Argued Himself To Death at the ADC Theatre in Cambridge 1st - 5th October 2024. Tickets available online.

Pantomime 2025 - Director Appeal
The CADS Committee are still in negotiation with KJAR about the staging of the 2025 pantomime. While it is currently unclear whether we will be able to put on the pantomime, the Committee are keen to hear from anyone who would like to Produce, Direct and Musical Direct should we go ahead. Auditions would need to take place in early October with rehearsals starting soon after. The Technical Crew will need to plan the set build in a new and creative way as we may not have as much storage space as previously. We also need a Set Designer, Safeguarding Coordinator, Costume Coordinator as well as all the other roles. If you're interested or have any ideas please do get in touch with the committee this month via [email protected].

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